An All on Four® implant is a dental implant procedure specifically for those who have lost most of their teeth. It is a cost-effective solution where the upper or lower set of teeth is replaced with four implants. Just as how a regular dental implant supports the crown, they also support the new set of replacement teeth.
This dental implant procedure involves a combination of different methods and dental technologies to provide patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis that is much more dependable and steadier than traditional dentures.
Four dental implants strategically embedded in the patient’s jaw support and firmly hold these fixed dental prostheses in place.

Why Do You Need Them?
A dental surgeon must carefully examine and analyze your teeth and gum situation first to guarantee the implants’ most strategic and most effective placement. So, if you are in good general health (healthy bones, no gum diseases, etc.) and your jaw can take an implant, then this dental treatment may be good for you.
Having All-on-Four® implants is perhaps the best option for you if you have missing teeth or if you’re missing all of them! Some tooth loss conditions cannot be helped by partial dentures alone, so this might be the best treatment for you as it is sure to be stable and secure.
Benefits Of Having All-On-FourⓇ Implants
With a dental surgery like this, you are guaranteed to experience good results and benefits. Here are the advantages of having All-on-Four® implants:
Boosts Self-Confidence
Loose dentures can be really embarrassing as you constantly have to worry about them maybe falling off in the middle of a meal. That’s not a situation you want to put yourself in.
With this fixed dental prosthesis, you will never have to concern yourself again with what kind of food you are eating. You will be able to enjoy a variety of foods and drinks with a set of natural-looking teeth sitting securely and comfortably in your mouth.
Prevents Bone Loss and Degradation
What’s great about this dental procedure is that it does not only benefit you aesthetically. An All-on-Four® implant will also help minimize the effects of missing teeth, which are bone loss and degradation.
Because these implants are securely embedded in the jawbone, you are less likely to need a bone graft.
Improves Comfort
Your traditional dentures can get uncomfortable, especially when you have to remove them from time to time. Still, these implants become part of you, so you’ll never have to experience this discomfort again. You can eat different food textures and enjoy them as if you’re eating them with your real teeth!
Improves Speech
Having these implants are like having your natural teeth again. Your speech will be improved, preventing you from mumbling or eating your words. Unfortunately, some people with dentures are so self-conscious when they speak because their teeth might fall off.
Better Oral Health and Hygiene
These implants only need the everyday oral care habits you are already familiar with. With proper brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups, you are free from dealing with issues usually caused by your traditional dentures. This will save you time, money, and effort for sure.

Looking to Get All-On-FourⓇ Implants Soon?
Are you contemplating whether or not to have the All-on-Four® implants? This might just be the best option for you now that you know the benefits you can get from this dental procedure. Head over to Jupiter Dentistry and book an appointment with us.
Our specialists can give you advice on your next step to getting the perfect teeth. Contact us today, and our professionals will give you the best smile you’ve ever had.